MK7, 7.5, 8 Golf & Jetta 

Defrost Vent Gauge Pod


If you are installing this part when the outside temperature is below 55*F / 12*C - run your defrost on full heat for at least 15 minutes to warm up the dash. This will give the dash more flexibility to slide in the vent base. The vent is designed to be slightly larger than the OEM one to keep the pod from excessively vibrating. Failure to warm up the dash may cause the vent base to crack during install.

2. Remove the side dash panel. You can also partially remove this trim piece along the front of the jamb to get a better view of the defrost ducting. It is only retained by the weatherstripping. 

3. Place a rag in the defrost duct to retain drill shavings. Run your finger up behind the dash from the door jamb panel to feel for the defrost vent duct. It is thinner, slightly flexible plastic compared to the AC duct. Once you locate it, use a straight pick tool, or small drill bit to check your outlet location in the duct (white arrow).

4.  After verifying your hole location, Enlarge the hole to fit your wiring. Be careful to keep the drill at the same angle, and drill slowly. Check above the dash to make sure you will hit the defrost duct, not the AC duct. 

5. Run the wiring for your gauge up the vent hole then fish it through the stem into the gauge pod. If your gauge is hardwired, you will have to set the gauge in the pod first, then route it down behind the dash. 

6. Install the included adhesive pad along the edge of the pod. Most gauges will friction fit. If it doesn't:

7. Insert the vent base at an angle to seat the edge closest to the windshield. It should be a tight fit. 

8. Once seated, slide the pod all the way back into the far edge of the vent opening. Ensure the back corner is on top of the dash surface. 

9. Press down on the vent slat edge. You should feel, or hear a click once its seated.